We celebrate M365 anniversary!

Since 2016, our team of experts has been supporting our customers as a Microsoft Gold Partner in consulting, migration and permanent development of all Microsoft 365 services. Microsoft 365 (M365) services are Software As A Service (SaaS) from the Microsoft Azure Cloud. 
Here we take care of 10,000 hybrid identities with Single Sign-On, Security & Compliance topics such as Azure Information Protection, Microsoft Defender for Office 365,…

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OEDIV Academy enables open innovation culture

We asked ourselves: How do we create an open culture of innovation when it is not  clear yet which competencies will be needed in the future and time is short to deal with new topics?

Our answer is the OEDIV Academy! An 8-week learning journey that empowers our colleagues to help shape the future of our organization and develop new innovation ideas.
The highlight of the learning journey is Impact Day. There, our colleagues showed…

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YouTuber gets exclusive insights into OEDIV data center

What does a data center look like from the inside? - That's what YouTuber Roman Hartung, alias "der8auer", asked himself and was invited by OEDIV to visit the data center. During his visit, he was given exclusive insights behind the scenes of a modern data center. The result is two detailed videos that der8auer shares with his 445,000 subscribers on YouTube. 

The first video was released on April 3 and mainly shows general impressions,…

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kgs and OEDIV announce partnership

Customers benefit from attractive services, special offerings and concise communication.

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We are doubling our private cloud capacity

In view of our dynamic growth, we have now consolidated eleven x86 workloads on one Power9 E980 server from IBM. Together with IBM, SAP and SUSE, we have been able to implement a reliable, scalable and easy-to-manage solution that cuts maintenance-related downtimes by 95 percent and provides better support for 24/7 production processes.

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Strategic partnership with Zscaler in cloud-based security services

New OEDIV service portfolio “Managed Cloud Web Proxy” for the SMB market based on the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange

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nicos AG and OEDIV launch strategic cooperation

nicos AG, a network specialist from Münster, and the Oetker Group company OEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung KG from Bielefeld have announced their strategic partnership. The two companies will now work very closely together as equal partners to jointly deliver IT infrastructure services. The goal is to complement each other’s service portfolio with their services and jointly develop new services.

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OEDIV KG celebrates 25th anniversary

OEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung KG (OEDIV) was “born” out of its sister company, as it were: OEDIV was created in 1995 by being carved out of the IT department of Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG so as to be able to offer the external market professional IT hosting services and give the Oetker Group a further pillar against the background of digitalisation.

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OEDIV takes over software vendor iSM Secu-Sys AG

The Bielefeld-based IT service provider OEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung KG continues to invest in expanding its security portfolio and has acquired all the shares in the software vendor iSM Secu-Sys AG, Rostock, effective 1 February 2020. OEDIV KG is thus strategically complementing its existing IT security services with horizontal software solutions in the areas of process management, IT security and compliance.

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